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Practice at the Kenshikikan

Kenshikikan can be translated as a "A place of Insight" or "A place to find knowledge  - It is this pursuit of knowledge (of the Art and of the Self) that drives us to train in the Art of Aikido.


Aikido should not just be viewed as a set of martial arts techniques, but a way to connect, harmonize and blend with whatever comes our way.


With this in mind, practice at the Kenshikikan starts and end with RESPECT - for our training partners, our dojo and our Art. The dojo is not a place for needless contests of strength or measuring of egos, rather a place for the sincere development of the Self both physically and mentally.

Etiquette and Rules


We want you to get the most from your Aikido journey. At the Kenshikikan, we train in a traditonal manner with a great emphasis placed on respect, both for the Art and our training partners. We also follow traditional training customs and practices (see etiquette)


Basic Rules:


Respect Your Partners - Respect your partner and your surroundings, do not engage in contests of strenghth or attempts to "force" your technique on others. Please be courteous to your partners, bowing before and after each technique not only indicates a "start" and "end" of technique, but also demonstrates a wish to train and a thank you for the practice.


Respect the Art - Please remember that you are studying a Martial Way and treat every engagement with the sincerity and focus you would in a combat situation. Train to the best of your ability and if you are unsure of something, ask an instructor or Senior for advice. Do NOT attempt to overpower or counter technique (unless instructed) - this can lead to injury and is counter productive to the learning cycle. Do not spend your training time gossiping - take every opportunity to practice!


Respect yourself- Please ensure a good level of personal hygiene. This is a physical art with close contact. Make sure jewellery is removed or covered prior to class, long hair is tied back and that nails are short. Please remove any makeup before class.




The following are a few basic pointers - it isn't an exhaustive list, however these are the basic standards that all members are expected to maintain. If you're unsure, it's always best to copy a senior student.


1) At the start of class, all students line up in seiza (kneeling) with the most senior students to the right. When the instructor starts the class, he will turn to face the image of O Sensei and perform Rei (bow). The instructor will then turn to face the class and perform another bow which the students will return.


2) Please refer to the instructor as "sensei" at all times when class is in progress.


3) Please make sure you bow to your partner before and after you practice a technique


4) When the instructor is demonstrating a technique, please give the demonstration your full attention. Do not talk, fidget or re-adjust your clothing - simply watch the demonstration.


5) If you are unsure of anything with your practice, please approach the instructor and ask.


6) If the instructor is demonstrating something to you or your partner, please sit in seiza at a safe distance. If the point is still unclear, please ask the instructor for further explanation



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